The sun is out, the birds are chirping, a sound session mix playing in the background and your BROKE Summer essentials laid out in front of the bed. A beautiful summer’s day awaits, exceptional conditions for a perfect pool party with family and friends.
We crashed pool parties, interviewed groovists, and ran simulations. Devising a pool party guide for the people by the people. We present to you the BROKE guide to the perfect pool party:

Step 1 PSA: spread the word, inform the mense(masses), make a poster, blast it on your stories, or keep it close and just invite/rsvp only. A party needs people.
Step 2: Secure the pool: This may seem obvious; however, we were concerned with the number of homies that attended a pool-less party. That’s a BROKE blog negative. It’s hot, we need the waters, the vibes, the floaties. Don’t be that host.
Step 3: Joy requires energy: A host must ensure finger foods and snacks are present, also inform your guests to bring something. The bottom line - don’t arrive or host empty handed.
Step 4: Provide essentials and ambience:
- Music – curated playlists or Live Dj’s are advised, so long as the music matches the atmosphere and energy of your privileged guests.
- Games – navigating social dynamics can be tricky, board games or volleyball, games encouraging participation do a lot, create connect now, maybe they last a lifetime?
- Ice Buckets – The pool can only cool us so far people, we’ll need beverages, and the bev’s will need ice for optimum temperature.
- Décor – A good floaty maybe two goes a long way for the vibes, and there just needs to be enough seating, encourage guests to bring their own. 🤲🏾
Step 5 The liquid: cool cool bev may be required, we have suggestions of Tequila (1942), cocktails, the classic beer and mention was made of a certain herb and others…😅 Non-alcoholic beverages go without saying.
Step 6 Mother Nature’s conditions: A lovely summer’s day – no sight of rain, blue skies, and little to no clouds, with a mildly scorching sun, not too hot, but hot enough, you feel?
Step 7 Participate: We’re together, so let’s praat (talk), dance if brave enough, and most importantly, lets SWIM - the pool is clean and calls for you (if you can swim).
Step 8 The right people: Invite the ones you truly want present, sometimes we crave the intimate, or we want to rock, keep the friends and energies pure, and the ratios equal.
Step 9 The nice to haves: Floating pink flamingoes, iyfebe (gender neutral – non gender specific), red and blue plastic cups
Step 10 Budget: Naturally this will always be tricky, our tastes and lifestyle differ, so we got input from a few of the homies:
- Friend 1: Bro, get R200 for Vodka, R400 for beer and R40 you use to get a Watermelon and 15 people are happy.
- Friend 2: R2000
- Friend 3: About 8k – “This caters for having DJ’S, unless it’s a chillas and not really a party.” A cost estimate for DJ’s, a sound and if you plan on selling food and booze.
- Friend 4: “Around R400/person for food and drinks, but that can also be cut to R250/person – I suggest a braai for food and jugs for drinks.”
Or 4 full Nando’s chicken with sides ad jugs which works to about 1k or cheaper.
Okay last one, R2500 – budgeting R400/bottle (inc. garnish) usually one bottle is to 3 of us, and 3 bottles is enough for jugs, this also covers beers and bottles for shots.
*Special note from Robyn Kater: Create groups on whatsapp or wherever, to delegate supplies. A host can do the meat and drinks, guests bring side dishes and extra drinks they prefer.
You have the BROKE pool party keys and guidelines, now go forth and eat your life with an oyster fork. Happy Summer, stay swimming…
Stay Bless,