Emachwesh [noun]


  1. Refers to a swimming pool

It’s been a long week and it’s finally Friday. You and your mates are about to hit the biggest mission of the week. All roads lead to the community swimming pool.

Growing up, my mom never really wanted my sister and I to swim at the community pool. She was always worried about our safety and well-being. Being the curious human I am, one really hot summers afternoon, I decided to put my tiny foot down. I gave in to the heat and was part of an orchestrated swimming pool mission.


The plan was simple. Wait for everyone to leave the house, meet up at our usual spot (dressed in casual clothes) because it’s very important to confuse the enemy and walk to the swimming pool. I won’t lie, I was mad nervous as we walked. I think the idea of swimming and having fun with other kids put my mind at ease. To say we had fun that day would be an understatement.

 We splashed for hours in the pool, watching the older kids doing tricks, while we lived our best summer dreams in the sun. Think it would be safe to say that, a nice home cooked meal would have been the ideal cherry on top. I mean, being in the water did make us hungry.

 As we walked the lengthy journey back home, I don’t think any of us anticipated the amount of trouble we were in. Not only was it way past our curfew, most of our parents were waiting for us upon arrivals. There was no doubt in our minds that we were in trouble.


We all told different tales that night and I think I spent a few weeks recovering from the sun burn. All in all, hanging out by the pool, kind of disobeying my mother and choosing to have fun with friends was a great idea.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve continued the tradition of hanging out with friends, trying out new spots and just being grand about life and the lemons it gives me…from time to time.


Stay Bless